Shamanic Voices

Pam Taylor PhotographyJaguar Mary X is a compelling performance artist who uses story-telling, glossolalia, and movement to present shamanic experiences.

When I first met Jaguar Mary X more than 10 years ago she was living in Bali, and making art films.  Several years ago she helped me learn videography, which I eventually put down in favor of still photography.

One wild summer evening we hiked into a beautiful slick rock platform in the Sedona area. Jaguar Mary X  danced with fire, as a friend drummed and  the moon rose against a back drop of  red rock formations.  It was challenging to say the least to film, but I began to  experience her, not as a videographer or witness, but as participant of ritual.  Using sinuous movement and vocailzations, in a language unknown, she transmitted a message of universal peace.

Subsequently we did a still photo “shoot,” which was no ordinary session. It was a performance  ritual as she danced blindfolded, yet obviously “seeing”  and “feeling” a different mysterious world.

More recently  we did another photo “shoot,” which also took on more ritualistic, rather than documenting, flavor.   Jaguar Mary X has taken on the avatar of the Mythic Bird that has the ability to experience the depths of another’s soul and to impart loving compassion.

As a medial person, she traverses the conventional everyday world and digs deep into hidden shadow depths  of mystery, dreams, premonitions, and apparitions.  She lives and works in liminal spaces between light and dark, everyday and mystery, male and female.

Ever more committed to her being as seer- artist, Jaguar Mary X  is studying advanced performance art at Pratt Institute, NYC.